Latch Key Program
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr
Registration and Fee Information

Each child enrolling must pay the required registration fee of $50.00. Payment is due at the time of registration. Payment for the first week or the Budget payment is also due at registration.

Weekly Fees 

After School 1-3 days Child 1 - $40.00 Child 2 - $72.00

After Shool 4-5 Days Child 1 - $50.00 Child 2 - $90.00

Weekly fees are due in advance. Payments should be made every Friday prior to the week of Latch Key service, even if your child will not be attending the following week. If payment is not received by 6:00pm on Friday a $15.00 late fee will be charged. A child will not be able to attend if the fee is not paid in full.

We recommend the Budget fee schedule. This schedule reduces our administrative costs and saves parents money. Budget fees are due on the 15th of each month August through May.

Budget Billing Fees

After School 1-3 days Child 1 - $120.00 Child 2 - $216.00

After Shool 4-5 Days Child 1 - $145.00 Child 2 - $261.00

Payments remain the same regardless of school closings, absences, or holidays. Once on the Budget plan you may not switch to Weekly billing without accumulating the fee difference between the Weekly and Budget. If payment is not received by 6:00pm on the 15th a $15.00 late fee will be charged. A child will not be able to attend if the fee is not paid in full.